When visiting the PHC, please use the carpark on the Plantation Street and come in at gate 2.
If the carpark is full, please ensure that you adhere to City of Stirling parking signage and notices at all times.
Please check the road signs carefully and do not park in restricted areas.
Do not obstruct the bus stops on either Plantation Street or Freedman Road.
Do not park on the verges or the islands on Alexander Drive.
Do not park in the grounds of any of the neighbouring villages.
We no longer have access to park in the vacant lot adjoining Bethanie Village on Plantation Street diagonally across the road from the Freedman Road intersection. Please do not park on the roadway in that area or anywhere on Bethanie premises that may impede entrance and exit from their premises.
If the PHC carpark is full then the City of Stirling advises PHC members and visitors to use the Yokine Reserve car park, please see the map below indicating the route to the Shule.
Neighbouring villages have indicated that if cars are parked in their premises they will have these towed. The City of Stirling has also advised that fines will be issued for illegal parking, so please make use of the vacant lot or Yokine Reserve car park when needed.
Important Reminder!
The special parking bays next to gates 2 & 3 are for use by people with cars that have the ACROD sticker only. Please be considerate of those who need to use these spaces and do not park in a marked bay at any time unless you have a sticker on your car.