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Highlights 2016

Mikvah Relaunch - 16 November 2016

On Wednesday 16 November 2016 an official opening of the newly renovated mikvah took place.  It was attended by a number of the generous donors who contributed to the renovations as well as those of the community who utilise this important facility for the purpose of the mitzvah of tarat hamishpacha (family purity.)  The Perth Mikvah is world class, not only in its halachic infrastructure, but now in its magnificent ambience.


At the opening, Rabbi Coleman was given a special place of honour as it was he who promoted and established a mikvah in Perth all those years ago when he was the Chief Rabbi of the Perth Hebrew Congregation.  Rabbanit Aviva Freilich addressed the gathering and thanked Susan Terry for her invaluable efforts in maintaining the mikvah and for being a driving force together with Jian Gabriel, Operations Manager of Perth Hebrew Congregation, for coordinating these renovations.  Rabbanit Freilich mentioned a number of halachic perspectives about the mikvah particularly the fact that a shule and a sefer Torah can be sold to purchase a mikvah.  She explained how the Perth Mikvah is kosher in all its facets.  She thanked the generous donors who made the project of renovating the mikvah possible.  Plaques have been put at the entrance wall to the mikvah acknowledging their contributions. 


Grateful thanks also went to Malcolm Lemer for supervising the project.  Rabbanit Aviva also gave a history of the development of the mikvah in Perth recognising the great contribution of Rabbi Coleman and later on, her husband Rabbi Dovid Freilich, who had the mikvah halachically upgraded in 1988 thanks to the help of the Perth Hebrew Congregation committee at that time.  Rabbanit Freilich praised the largesse of the Perth Hebrew Congregation in providing and maintaining the Mikvah for the use of the whole community and making it a truly communal mikvah.  The formal ceremony was followed by a sumptuous tea which was enjoyed by all.

Abraham Day brings three monotheistic faiths together in spirit of fraternity and communion






















Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SBD, Chief Rabbi of Western Australia, Dovid Freilich OAM, and Imam at Langford Islamic College, Sheikh Muhammad Agherdien, gathered at Notre Dame University’s Fremantle Campus on 13 September for an interfaith gathering titled Abraham Day. Photo: Marco Ceccarelli  

“A celebration of what we have in common: first and foremost the belief in God, the one God, the God of Abraham.”  With these words, The University of Notre Dame Australia Vice-Chancellor, Professor Celia Hammond, opened Abraham Day – an interfaith event that brought together the three Abrahamic faiths – Christianity, Judaism and Islam – in a spirit of openness, fraternity and communion.

Held at Notre Dame’s Fremantle Campus on 13 September, the interfaith gathering saw Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SBD, Chief Rabbi of Western Australia, Dovid Freilich OAM, and Imam at Langford Islamic College, Sheikh Muhammad Agherdien, reflect on the theme of ‘Abraham: Our Father in Faith’.

The three representatives discussed the significance of Abraham for their own religious tradition before collectively planting an olive tree, a symbol of peace, in the university’s Malloy Courtyard.

Anzac Day Commemoration Service at the Jewish War Memorial
25 April 2016

Lest We Forget
Selling of Chametz to the Hon Michael Sutherland MLA
Purim Circus Carnival

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