After a little sleep in we headed off to Yad Vashem. Every single visitor to Israel visit’s this landmark. Interesting to find out that both Yad Vashem and Har Hertzal are on a connecting piece of land, illustrating the strong link between tragedy and the amazing State of Israel.
There just aren’t words to describe Yad Vashem. Just learning about the process of eliminating the Jewish race and their horrific persecution from ghettos to gas chambers. It’s amazing to believe that we exist today. For me the biggest lesson is to learn from the past and to be optimistic about the future. The Jewish nation has a right to exist. Am Yisrael Chai!
From there we headed to the Jaffa Gate and Old City. It is amazing to learn the history and to comprehend that some of our grandparents were never able to witness the miracle and see Jerusalem.
We were treated to a guided tour through the Christian and Armenian quarter till we finally got to the Jewish Quarter. I was absolutely amazed that people actually live in the old city.
In the afternoon we headed to the holiest of places the Kotel. For me it is a place where your prayers are sent straight up to Hashem. It was extremely moving experience praying at the wall. There was such ruach in the promenade of the Western Wall. Hundreds of soldiers were celebrating their half way point in their basic military training. We are also fortunate enough to witness the upsherin of a little boy.
Wow - what a day. It started on such a solemn note and ended in the most joyous way ever.
The Jewish people are amazing. We don’t mourn forever, we pick ourselves up and rebuild our lives.
This trip is no holiday. It’s an amazing experience and I feel privileged to be apart of it all. Thank You PHC for providing this opportunity .